Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Bladerunner - Humanity and Nature Essay Example for Free

Bladerunner Humanity and Nature Essay The central theme of Bladerunner is the relationship between humanity and nature. More specifically it has a purpose in showing how science can negatively influence this fragile relationship. Set in Los Angeles of 2019 we see the decadence of western society into an inhumane harsh impersonal, technology-dominated realm. The inhabitants who fight for their daily survival are in desperate want for nature, contact with which is denied to them by the unrestricted scientific progress and the consequent exploitation of the natural world conducted for the sole purpose of profit. Humanity is also losing touch with its own nature. The compassion, the empathy, the love and the emotion are all rare or absent. This ailing relationship between humanity and nature is conveyed through the means of scene setting, dialogue, plot, camera techniques and other film features. All these elements of cinematography synthesise to create an effective portrayal of the unifying theme. In Bladerunner the most prominent element of cinematography is mise en scene. It generates a context for the film and therefore makes the plot and themes acceptable. To set an appropriate scene different variables need to be controlled. These variables include location, props, lighting and colour. In general the location of the plot is in the vast urban canyons of 2019 LA. The imposing dark buildings, the dirty fog, perpetual rain and the crowded dark streets devoid of vegetation make up the backdrop of most scenes. All this is filmed in dark lighting, which complements the effect produced by the fog in obscuring the living details. From this the responder acknowledges the deterioration of society, the harsh conditions that the humans are subjected to and the way the human spirit itself is progressively destroyed under such conditions. Filming such a location at night provides the director with the opportunity to use chiaroscuro (a technique of strong contrast) to further convey the dominance of technology over humanity. For example in outdoor scenes the garish flickering neons are obtrusively visible but they fail to illuminate the obscure, dark, fogged surroundings, including the multitudes of faceless people. The prominent visibility of artificial things over human presence together with the qualities of the location indicates the degradation of human life under the rule of science. The clothing worn by characters is an important choice made as part of setting the scene. Most of the street people wear hooded dark clothing covering their whole body. This is possibly to protect them from the rain but it also hides their faces and their eyes from the camera and from us, creating an impersonal atmosphere in conjunction with the harshness of the surroundings. We get a feeling that everyone hides from everyone else and human interpersonal interaction is limited to the bare necessity. Sometimes the style of clothing worn by characters tells us something about the characters themselves. For example the trenchcoat style garments worn by Deckard are a throwback to the ? 20s and ? 30s detective genre in film, and the responder instantly sees Deckard as such. There are times when the clothing worn gives us an insight into the themes of the film. When we first see meet Racheal (and we think she is a human), her outfit with geometric power dressing shape, the black hues and the perfect hair create an impression of power and efficiency, qualities that are valued in androids. The next time we meet her we see her in a fur coat and underneath, a soft white blouse. Then when she lets her hair down the transformation is complete. By now we know that she is a replicant and for a replicant to be so human is ironic when the ? real humans dont show such qualities. This irony elucidates the deteriorated nature of humanity very effectively. The film is not only able to show the way humanity has lost contact with nature but also how much they appreciate and want it back in their society. The unicorn dream-scene conveys this effectively. The soft back lighting, the low tonal contrast, the colour and the lush vegetation create a setting that is very different to the usual scenes. It is contrasted with real world to further reinforce the lack of nature in society. The short length of the scene, and the fact that the scene is only Deckards dream, conveys the elusiveness of nature and shows us that humans still ? dream of having the presence of nature back in their world-weary lives. Another method used by the cinematographers to show the want for nature is through the presence of artificial animals. While the artificiality of the animals shows the destruction of nature the way humans still keep them as pets conveys their yearning to bring back nature. The decay of human spirit is also shown through the dialogue. In Bladerunner the scarcity of the dialogue itself potrays the lack of human interaction and consequently the lack of empathy or emotion. Characters only speak when it is necessary for their own survival and comfort but not for the sake of emotional involvement. However, the replicant slaves, who supposedly feel no emotion, interact more sensitively with each other. This irony again has the effect of showing the dehumanisation suffered by this society. The absence of nature and the way society deals with this is revealed through the way they refer to nature. For example at Tyrells office Decker asks Racheal if the owl is artificial, to which she replies of course it is. A similar conversation that occurs later between Salome (Zhora) and Decker about artificial snakes, further reinforcing the sad truth. Another common literary language feature that is used in Bladerunner is symbolism. The film is filled with visual symbolic codes. The unicorn, a mythical creature, which, according to myth, is a fragile and elusive being of beauty known for its rarity. In the film it symbolises the rarity of nature and its beauty and fragility. There are other symbols that signify the elusive presence of nature in human life. One is the unnaturally weak and indistinct sun. The sun is the source of all life on earth and natures sustaining energy. The weakened presence of the sun is possibly due to the fog but the importance lies not in the cause of the weakness. The dim sun is an indication that nature is being destroyed or is already destroyed. Another symbol is the motif of the human eye. Close to the beginning of the film we are presented with an ECU of Holdens eye reflecting bursts of flame. The fiery human spirit. The motif carries on throughout the film, the close up of eyes during the Voigt-Kampff tests, Mr Chews eye shop, the glowing eyes of the owl and the gruesome death of Tyrell. In many cases we encounter human figures whose eyes are hidden. The important example is Tyrell whose eyes are hidden by the thick glasses, but this is also true for the little people or the street people. If the eyes symbolise the human spirit then it is also true that the concealment of the eyes represent the destruction of this spirit. The characters and the way they respond to events in the plot is the most significant way through which the creators of the film express their concerns about the relationship between humanity and nature. It is through the characters and the way they are influenced by the society in which they live that the audience are able to receive the majority of information about that society. To make up a character the director (Ridley Scott) has to synthesis the acting, the physical qualities of the actors, the costume, the lighting and the camera work. Harrison Ford plays Deckard; a Detective who is forced to put up in insensitive wall around him so as to carry out his job properly, but with the help of Racheal and Batty his soul comes through. The seriousness, the no-nonsense speech and the mechanical execution of his tasks all contribute to this image of a tough guy cop. It is also sad to see that he is forces hide his emotions and sentiments for the sake of survival in this harsh world. By the end of the film we sense that if Batty and Racheal had not saved him his spirit would have been lost under the pressure. Rutger Hauer has possibly the most appropriate natural qualities to play Roy Batty (robot? ). The ? Aryan look, a western cultural assumption of superiority and the Swedish accent with the concise overtones which is particularly effective in a quiet voice make him the perfect super/sub-human replicant. To enhance the effect the hair is died white, his body and face is always lit up to prominence, and almost always the image is shot from underneath making him look surrealistically handsome and at the same time imposing. However the way he responds to the events in the plot show that he has more ? humanity in him that the people who consider themselves human. The most memorable instance is they way he moaned for the death of Pris. He is not ashamed to return to the most basic instinct of openly showing emotion. This beautiful scene along with other such human responses from a replicant serves to convey the suppression of human nature in the society. Rachael is played by Sean Young as the replicant who doesnt know she is an android. The characters function is similar to that of Batty. To show the deterioration of everything ? human in the world of 2019. Her transformation itself carries the message. When she thought she was a human her conduct was much like a robot; the emotionless soulless state of mind everyone is in. But once she begins to realise that she is replicant her appearance becomes increasingly ? human. This humanisation is portrayed through the use of costumes, the use of varying light and the use of ECU. Tyrell is the other character who has an important function in conveying the themes. Genuinely lacking emotions or empathy, his main objective is the profit margin. He is part of the corporate dictatorship that has suppressed the spirit of the people and destroyed the natural world. His character is the total antitheses of Batty. The overconfidence in his intelligence, the impersonal way in which he addresses other characters, the opulent surrounding in which he lives show him as powerful tyrant. The irony is that he holds the status of God when he is not even fit to be a human. Thus through the development of characters and their response to the events of the plot, Ridley Scott and the actors communicate the way relationship between humanity and nature has evolved (deteriorated) into the world of 2019 LA. In effect all the techniques mentioned above portray a society of individuals who are weary of the world they live in. They are rejects who lead a pitiful existence in a wasteland called earth because they are not fit enough to go the out-world colonies. Suppressing their own natural instincts for the sake of physically surviving they really the walking dead. Scientific progress conducted not for the best interests of humanity but for the best interests of business has effectively brought about the progressive degradation of society. By exploiting and destroying the natural world human can no more find solace or beauty so as to recuperate their weary minds and rekindle their dying spirits. In summary the techniques that are unique to film such as camera, lighting, costuming, colour and location works in conjunction with common literary techniques such as visual symbolism, irony and characterisation to effectively convey the relationship between humanity and nature.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Veterans Essay -- PTSD in Military

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (commonly known as PTSD) is an important issue associated with military soldiers. The primary focus of this paper will be on the causes of PTSD and the effects it has on returning soldiers from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. I will attempt to elaborate on the soldiers' experiences through my own experiences in combat both in Iraq and Afghanistan. I will explain what PTSD is, look at the history of PTSD, how people get it, and differences of PTSD between men and women, and treatment options. As far back in history as we can go, humans have been in a fight for survival. There have been battles with gigantic mammoths, soldiers charging the front line with swords drawn or teachers witnessing neighbors being gassed to death. These are all significantly stressful situations that can lead to PTSD and have been around for centuries. For as long as there have been humans fighting there has been PTSD, it just wasn’t a term yet. During the Civil war, problems with PTSD became so severe that the first ever Military Hospital for the insane was established in 1863 (Bentley). Before that, since Military officials didn’t know what to do, or what was wrong with these physically able men they just threw them on the street or sent them home. With so many insane soldiers walking around, it was the public who insisted that something be done to help these soldiers and keep them off the street (Bentley). It wasn’t until 1905 during WWI that there was a link made between the mental collapse and the stresses of war(Bentley). There were so many cases of PTSD at first that officials believed it was caused by the concussion of shells on the brain, so they called it â€Å"shell shock†. It was the Russians who f... ...t. Bellevue College Lib., Bellevue, WA. 15 May 2011 Greist, John H., James W. Jefferson, David J. Katzelnick Facts For Heath. 11 May 2011. . Hales, Dianne. Wellness at Bellevue College. Mason, Ohio: Cengage Learning., 2011 Tarrant, David. "Iraq veteran's PTSD is an unrelenting enemy but he's fighting back." The Dallas Morning News 22 Aug. 2010. 11 May 2011 United States. Department of Veterans Affairs. Treatment of PTSD. 05 Oct. 2010. 11 May 2011. . Unknown, Anthony. â€Å"Cognitive Behavior Therapy†. Online posting. 31 Mar. 2011. PtsdForum Supporting Trauma. 15 May 2011.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Religious groups in Mediterranean in 900 a. d.

The representative sample is Spain, a Mediterranean country. Mediterranean World, by and large, had gone through many inter-religious wars and convulsions, until for a change a time of greatest glory arrived in the Middle Ages. During this period, the Muslims and Christians were able to live in peace and harmony. This resulted in the practice of cosmopolitan culture, and people of both the religions lived in mutual trust creating unique blend of Western Civilization, where in the contribution both the Christianity (Western) and Islam was more or less equal.Notwithstanding the dominance of the Muslims (Islam), religious harmony was the hallmark of the era. But the peaceful situation did not last for long. Arabic (related to Islam) was the primary language of cultural preservation and socio-spiritual progress during 800 a. d. in the Mediterranean history. In the initial stages, the language and religion (Islam) were imposed on the people. The impact of Islam was greatest during this ce ntury. It remained so between the 7th and 13th centuries. Every religion is linked or associated with a particular language like Arabic to Islam!The language prospers means the concerned religion thrives and vice versa. During the ascendance of Arabic language, Hebrew and Latin had also an important roles to play. They were clerical languages. At the same time, Arabic, apart from being the clerical language, was the language of poetry and prose as well . The califal library in Islamic Cordoba alone held 4000 books -the librarian’s catalog held information on some 600,000 volumes. The laymen of Spain do not have the knowledge of the immense contribution of the Muslim culture beyond the architectural remnants.But they celebrate with great pomp and fanfare the festival of the rout of the Muslim pirates. Notwithstanding the dominance of the Muslims (Islam), religious harmony was the hallmark of the era. To the eighth century Muslims, Iberian Peninsula was the entry point. The emo tional, physical and spiritual atmosphere was perfect. Cultural progress and constructive socio-spiritual activities were possible under such circumstances. Exquisite architectural masterpieces were built and scholarly writing was encouraged, and this had a profound influence on the life in Mediterranean area and many other parts of the world, for centuries to come.This is the greatest contribution of Muslims to this region in 900 a. d. â€Å"The Muslims who entered Iberia through the Gibraltar Strait in 711 defeated the Visigoths and moved up to the Pyrenees and maintained their stay for several centuries. Finally, with the fall of Granada in 1492, the Muslim presence was ended by Christian forces from the north. The Muslim-led civilization of medieval Iberia, a. k. a. Al-Andalus made many noteworthy contributions to humanity. † The influence of Islam that began in the early 7th Century continued till the 11thcentury.The greatness of this civilization and the dominance of Ar abic language have been highlighted by many scholars in their works. There were scholars who worked exclusively on copying Quran. That was not the era of the printing press. Book worship was the dominant quality of the Islamic polity. The Islamic Rulers encouraged building book-treasurers. So, Islam combined with Arabic language had profound influence in Spain and on the Mediterranean world during 900 a. d. It is pertinent to note here, what happened in 800 a. d. would contribute to the subsequent developments in 900 a. d. onwards. It was a period of positive and negative developments.The constitution of the new Empire sealed the break between the West and the East. It perhaps gave the West a new Roman Empire. Muslims incursions began to take place with more intensity across the Mediterranean, and they did not hesitate to impose their language and religion on the populace of the conquered territory. Trade across the Mediterranean came to a standstill and the ports, through which the merchandise arrived, were deserted with no commercial activity. The sea was no longer a safe route for commerce, because chaos prevailed all over the interior Mediterranean region initially.Due to the relentless pressure put by the invading Islamic outfits, Western Christian Civilization moved north. This resulted in the suspension of the contact with eastern, Byzantine Christianity. Over a period, they developed and formed into two distinct Christian groups. The common identity was lost. This situation worked to the advantage of Islam in the long run because their ‘religious enemies’ stood divided. Their hold and influence on the Mediterranean became even stronger. In this process, the replacement of Christianity of the southern and western Mediterranean areas by Islamic outfits had a catastrophic effect on Europe.In certain areas, a biased tax system was introduced to promote Islam. Additional taxes were imposed on Christians, but those who embraced Islam, were exemp ted. The religious persecution became order of the day. So the factors that contributed to the Muslim ascendancy were: patronage by the rulers for this religion, religious persecution for subjects practicing other religions, encouragement to literature in Arabic language, relentless pressure of the invading Islamic outfits on the people of Spain and the Mediterranean region.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Managing Financial Resources And Decisions Of Finance Finance Essay - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 13 Words: 3947 Downloads: 2 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Finance Essay Type Research paper Did you like this example? Task 1(a) There are different types of sources of finance. Categorizing according to time they can be: 1. Short term sources of finance 2. Long term sources of finance Short term sources are: Bank Overdraft: Overdraft facilities are provided by banks where a pre arranged limit is first set and then the customer if he exceeds the limit, he has to pay the fee on the exceeded amount and this varies from one bank to another. Trade Credit: When different businesses combine and share finance and make use of finance for meeting common pre decided business objectives the money shared is called Trade Credit. Leasing: The process of using assets for certain period of time by paying rent without actually purchasing or owing them is called leasing. The party who uses the assets is called LESSEE and the party who actually owns these assets is called LESSER and the time period of this contract is called the Term of LEASE. Bank loans: Loan is money borrowed from the lender which the borrower is made to pay back in installments and also the returned amount total is more than the money borrowed. The initial amount borrowed is known as Principal and the additional amount of mone y paid back is called Interest which is a fixed proportion of the Principal. Credit Cards: The concept involved is same as Bank Overdraft except the borrower receives a smart card which he can use to buy products and services. The limit of a card is pre-determined like in the overdraft and the borrower is charged additional fee if limit is exceeded. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Managing Financial Resources And Decisions Of Finance Finance Essay" essay for you Create order Long term sources are: Bank Loans: As discussed above bank loans can also vary in time and accordingly can be a short or long term source of finance. Share capital: When a particular sector of the company needs investment the company can issue shares in the market and use the capital earned to invest for the task. It can be authorized that is the total amount a company can issue to shareholders or Issued which is the actual amount paid by the share holders. Debentures: Debentures is a debt or may be known as borrowed money and is similar to Share except for the fact that the money gained by issuing debentures is not an earning but only a debt which the company has to pay back or at least pay the interest on the amount received per debenture. Debenture holders unlike share holders do not have a right to vote but can encash the money lended at any time since the profit margins are almost fixed. Asset Sales: The company assets which are not in use anymore can be sold to get money in turn, which can be used since it comes into circulation and the assets not in use are dead value. Venture capital: This is the money invested by a bigger company in smaller company to assist and make more profits. When after a study the giant company notices the trend of growth for a small rapidly developing company, it plans to invest money and get good returns benefitting from the rate of growth for a smaller company which could be more than the rate at which the giant company is progressing. Retained profit: It is a part of companys earnings for the previous year which can be used as an investment for further developing the company rather than paying it as dividends. So the figure keeps on cumulating year after year when the company is in profit. Owners capital: It is the total capital money which is owned by the share holders of a company. At launch the company can issue IPO Initial public offering at a fixed price and there after depending upon the growth of the company the value cha nges. Grants: Grants are issued by a Government to small units for helping them to develop their business. The money may be lended at a very low interest or given as a Non return value. ************************************************************************************* Task 1(b) The financial resources discussed above have different implications in an Odd situation of dilution or bankruptcy. Bank loans or Overdrafts are always given against a security which may be a property or asset owned by the company. In case of Failure to pay back the loan if the company is bankrupt the bank acquires the assets against which the loan was issued and can sell them to get the amount issued back to the account. Trade credit taken from other business may go into dilution if the company goes bankrupt and is a sure loss. So the risk involved in trade credit is quite high and the terms of sharing the money should be predefined including actions to be taken in case of bankruptcy. Leasing is a safe play as the assets always belong to the Lesser and if the lessee is unable to return the amount committed as a part of rent or installment the contract can be abolished and the assets are acquired back by the lesser. Credit cards can again be a loss to the issuer in case of a failure to pay back the balance amount pending. A legal action can be taken against the defaulter as per the terms and conditions decided at the time of issue of the card. In case of share capital the position of a company in the market is not always the same. A share holder has to be up to date for the current situation and future trends of the company whose shares he buys. In case the company is expected to go in loss the shares can be sold at a reducing price. Debentures are also subjected to terms and conditions stated by the company at the time of purchase. If the company goes bankrupt the investment goes for a toss. Venture capital is a risk involved investment and the lender has to have a positive forecast for the company where it invests money. **************************************************************************************************** Task 1(c) In regards to the upcoming Sudan Highway Project, I will like to choose amongst the few available options we can choose to finance our project with the option best suiting our needs. As the elapse time of the project is 7 years we can choose over long term financial sources the best amongst which is getting a Venture Capital from any other existing construction company as the project assures good returns for sure in the long run and any company with market experience and knowledge will accept the offer to finance on ratio based system for profit which also covers us from any risks involved since the initial expenses will be high and we expect low returns during first 2 to 3 years. Just in case we are unable to find a Venture interested in investing the capital we can also opt for Bank Loan since that also covers us from the initial risks involved and even if the turnover is below than what is expected for initial years we will have enough margin to switch our needs going ahea d with time. Bank loans will give us flexibility for the funds and the areas of investment and apart from this it also enables us to take independent decisions without being pressurized by a third party investor in the project. Rest about the assets we will need for initial start up can be done on lease basis since investing in assets initially will be highly spending and will not yield expected profit. **************************************************************************************************** Task 2(a) The cost of various sources of finance varies and makes one source preferable over other depending upon the business needs. Discussing a few preferred sources: Leasing In case of leasing the cost is less if the deal is for a short duration as it cuts down the original cost of actually purchasing the equipment and also there is no depreciation since the goods are only rented and now owned. But in long run it can prove costly as the rent paid could be equal to or more than the actual cost of asset. Hire Purchase This is different from leasing as the asset used is actually purchased and owned by the company and a fixed amount is paid in installments. The total amount paid is always more than the actual cost but since the payment is made in installments the burden of big investment is reduced.The equipment used also undergoes depreciation so the loss is tolerated by the owning company. Debt Factoring If the customers fail to pay back the money,the company can actually sell the accounts to a third party which pays the company 80 to 90% of the original amount and the third party in turn does collection on original companys behalf. Government Finance is a free of cost money offered by Govt. for development of a company. The interest charged is either nil or very low so that the company in loss can withstand the situation. Trade Credit is mostly considered as a free source of finance. The supplier can supply goods without receiving the return payment immediately and the payment can be made after a fixed period which is generally 30-90 days. Retained Profits This is the cheapest source of finance since the money is owned and not borrowed. Own Capital this is also a costless source of finance but there is risk factor involved for the money could be lost. Working Capital is the wealth owned by the company on day to day basis.It is the difference between the current assets owned and the current liabilities of the company. **************************************************************************************************** Task 2(b) Financial planning is important for cash budgeting and also for avoiding overtrading.The following points are the benefits of Proper Financial Planning:- †¢Cash Flow: Financial planning can increase the cash flow as an outcome of careful budgeting and planning how and where to spend including tax payment. †¢Capital: The money involved can be increased by planning the investments and calculating expected profits in advance. †¢Income: Income can be planned in advance and decisions can be made to divide it effectively for tax payments or other fixed expenditures. †¢Investment: With the help of proper planning after analysis is done one can wisely make investments to yield more profits. †¢Security of Living standard: By proper planning we can avoid crisis situations or develop management actions to be taken if a situation of crisis arises. †¢Financial Understanding: After doing good financial planning one can access the current market sit uation and make good understanding with working employees to make them aware of the situation and share the plan to progress. †¢Assets: Assets always have liabilities attached. If nothing more then at least the investment is required just to maintain the assets. By judicious planning we can cut down on liabilities and build assets that are not a burden to the company. †¢Savings: To cope with a crisis situation it is always good to have liquidity as an investment which can be used in better sense after planning. Overtrading is an absurd source of loss in trading. Overtrading happens when a business undertakes task and attempts to complete it, but later finds itself short of resources (labour, working capital or net assets).The major cause is improper or no planning to foresee things like manufactured quantity, time involved etc. If things are planned and followed in the right order each trade can be looked as a separate transaction. Planning beforehand always helps to avoid a situation of chaos which may end up shutting down the complete business. Some small units have a false belief that they do not need planning since the money involved is less but the amount is not relevant when it comes to planning. Planning will always help a business to grow in the long run. **************************************************************************************************** Task 2(c) Different types of information is needed by decision makers depending upon the stage of operation they are in. The decision involved can be Quantitative or qualitative. Equity Investors- The share holders require information for making share trading decisions so they can decide on buying new issues or sell existing shares. They want to make judgments regarding movements in future share prices, likely future dividend payments and management efficiency. This helps them take voting decisions in Annual general meetings. They can compare profitability ratios to determine management efficiency. They should have the previous data to compare the market trend and future estimates. Customers (especially buyers of fixed assets) need to know information which will help them understand the long term viability of the business. They should know the warranty terms and service offered after sales from the manufacturer. The customers get info from market surveys or from the current users who p romote or detract a product. Suppliers and trade creditors information needs are similar to those of the short term suppliers. They should be aware of the business position of their trade partners and the future plans of the trading company. If the company still stays in the same line of business only then it is worth to go ahead with a trade credit or else the money should be recovered if there is a doubt that the company may change their LOB. Business Rivals To keep in competition it is important to know the financial ratios of the Rivalry Company. This helps them understand where they stand in terms of profit making and also plan their next moves to stay at par or over par to their rivals. The other business my plan to launch a new attractive offer or scheme for promoting a product. This information is critical so that they can withstand a different relevant offer to counter it. Managers Managers need all financial data for the market share progress, profitability, los s sectors, employee attendance, work inputs, current plans, forecasting etc. Information needed is related to employees along with the short term viability of the organization. Investors Need to know about the current position (profit or loss) in the market and the long term viability of the company including the cash flow to ensure interest. Employees-Need to know the available options in the job market and also the position of their company to ensure job security. Loan creditors -Need information about cash flows and priority of repayment. Long term creditors look at the overall strength of business and estimate future position of the business. **************************************************************************************************** Task 2(d) Different types of finance impacts financial statements in various ways. Assets-Assets have an impact on the balance sheet. A balance sheet shows companys assets, liabilities and owners equity. If the assets are owned and not financed the company is in advantage. In balance sheet assets equal to liabilities added to owners equity. Financed assets increase liabilities and owned assets increase equity. Liabilities-Liabilities also impact balance sheet. More liabilities mean less money owned by the company. If assets are constant and liabilities increase the equity decreases. So if assets are constant and liabilities decrease the owners equity increases. Equity- Owners equity is calculated as the difference between current assets and current liabilities. Whenever the asset or liability accounts changes the equity is changed along depending upon increase or decrease of either an asset or a liability. Revenue-Revenue has an impact on income statement. Revenue is the money bu siness earns in any form. Net income or loss is given by income statement. Net income or loss is calculated as the difference between revenue and expenses. If revenue is more than expenses the company has a net income and f the expenses exceed revenue then the company suffers loss. Expenses-Expenses also impact the income statement. For a business to progress expenses need to be controlled. If expenses are in excess they harm the finances of a business. If expenses are more tan revenue it means the business spent more than what it earned and is encountering loss. A balance sheet is marked based upon the following equation: Assets = Liabilities + Shareholders Equity (Owners equity) So a balance sheet consists of 2 parts and each part balances the other. It means that the assets which are means used to perform an operation in the company are balanced by liabilities, equity investment brought into the company and the companys retained profits. Liabilities and Equity are two sources which support the assets used for companys operation. Equity stands for the amount of money which was initially invested in the company and also includes retained earnings which combined together forms a source of funding for the business. So at any point of time balance sheet can be regarded as a snapshot of companys financial position. **************************************************************************************************** Task 3(a) Solution: Forecasted Cash Sales starting from Nov till Feb = pound; 3000+ pound; 4000 + pound; 4500 +pound; 4500 = pound; 16000 Selling Price = Cost price +30% Therefore Cost price + 30%= pound; 16000 Cost Price = pound; 16000 X 10/13 = pound; 12307 Monthly Overhead = pound; 2200 Total overhead for the Budget period = pound; 13200 ANGUS Ltd. Cash Budget Sep 2010- Feb 2011 Estimated Cash Balance at the Beginning of the Period Total Inflows Cash Sales Collections of Credit Sales Bank Loans Total Outflows Payment to Suppliers Payments of Operating and Other Expenses Payments of Equipment Vehicle Expenses Payments of Bank Loan and Interest Inventory Purchases Investment in Short-Term Securities Estimated Cash Balance at the End of the Period pound; 9493 **************************************************************************************************** Task 3(b) Solution:- Weight of the RING = 8 g Cost of Silver (per gram) = pound; 15 Cost of Ring material = 8 X pound; 15 = pound; 120 Manufacturing labor cost = pound; 20 per hour Time to make 1 Ring =2.5 hours Total cost of labor for 1 Ring = pound; 20 X 2.5 = pound; 50 Service labor cost = pound; 8 per hour. Service time for 1 Ring = 40 mins (2/3 hours) Service cost for 1 Ring = pound; 8 X 2/3 = pound; 5.33 Total factory indirect costs = pound; 10,000 1 Ring cost = pound; 120 + pound; 50 + pound; 5.33 = pound; 175.33 500 rings cost = pound; 175.33 X 500= pound; 87665 Adding Total factory indirect costs = pound; 87665 + pound;10000 = pound; 97665 Final price per Ring =pound; 97665 / 500= pound;195.33 Market price for 60 Rings = pound; 195.33 X 60= pound; 11719.80 **************************************************************************************************** Task 3(c) Solution:- To calculate the BEP Total Fixed cost= pound;4.50 X 100000= pound; 450000 Cost of machinery to be added for first year = (pound; 750,000) X 100000 (100000+80000+70000+55000) = pound; 245901.64 Overhead on advertisement = pound; 550000 So TOTAL FIXED COST= pound;450000+ pound;245901+pound;550000= pound; 1245901 BEP = Total fixed cost / (Selling Price Variable cost) = pound; 1245901 / pound; 30 (pound; 5.75 + pound; 5.00) =pound; 1245901/ pound; 19.25 = 64722 So the total number of units to be sold before the company starts getting profits is 64722. So the company should be able to make profits after selling 64722 pieces. **************************************************************************************************** Task 4(a) Profit and Loss account Profit and loss account is prepared to monitor a businesss progress. This includes monitoring sales and costs. If the company shows its going in profits it is good enough but if it is going in loss then relevant action needs to be taken to remedy the situation in future. To start with it takes into account the Trading entries i.e. income from sales and direct cost associated in making those sales. It also takes into account the other expenses in the business along with the balance of stocks at the start and end of the financial year. Balance Sheet Balance sheet is a statement of assets, liabilities and owners equity. The main purpose is to find profits or losses incurred by business. Assets equal the sum of liabilities and equity. It helps to identify financial liquidity problems and identifies companys potential to meet the financial obligations. It gives an account of the working capital and the indebt situation of a company. It gives an estimate if the company can meet its short term liabilities and as to where a company stands if compared to its competitors. Cash Flow Statement The main purpose of this statement is to calculate the cash balance at the end of a period. It consists of cash flows from Operating, investing and financing activities. It gives information about previous sources of cash and enables to predict even cash flows in future. It also gives the potential of a company to meets its financial obligations. Helps identify the main source of cash which is preferably cash from operating activity. It also explains the effects of financing and investment activities on business operations. **************************************************************************************************** Task 4(b) Different Formats of financial statements by business entities: Government financial statements: Government statements either use Accrual accounting or Cash accounting. They can even use a combination of these two accounting methods. They use a complete set of Chart of Accounts which is totally different from the normally used Chart of profit oriented business. Non-profit organizations: For a nonprofit organization a statement generated is simple as compared to a for-profit organization. The statements just include a balanced sheet marked with statement of different activities (indicating income and expenses) which is just like a Profit and loss statement generally made for a for-profit organization. Personal financial statements: Personal financial statements are generally required when applying for a loan or aid. The organization which supplies loan makes filling a form as a formality to access the candidates financial position. This is generally a single form for reporting personal income and expenses. Inclusion in annual reports: For share holders interest the annual reports are generated by the parent company to indicate the progress and assure them their investment is going on a good side. This generally contains letter from companys CEO which describes companys performance and financial achievements throughout the year. To attract new investors pleasing graphics and photos are added to annual report. **************************************************************************************************** Task 4(c) Solution:- Starting the analysis by calculating simple Profitability Ratios: Gross Margin: Gross Profit X 100 Net sales = pound; 300000 X 100 = 50% ( For 2008) pound; 600000 = pound; 250000 X 100 = 38.46% ( For 2007) pound; 650000 Gross Margin increased as compared to last year indicating business has expanded overall in size. Profit Margin: Net Profit Net Sales = pound; 111000 = 0.185 ( For 2008) pound; 600000 =pound; 70000 = 0.107 ( For 2007) pound; 650000 Even the profit margin shows an increase since the Net Profit stood out to be more than previous year. Return on Sales: Operating Income Net Sales = pound; 86000 = 0.143 ( For 2008) pound; 600000 == pound; 136000 = 0.209 ( For 2007) pound; 650000 Return on Sales dropped as compared to last year as the retained earnings were less due to more investment done and also the paid dividends were more. Return of Investment: Net Income Avg Owners Equity = pound; 86000 = 0.506 ( For 2008) pound; 170000 = pound; 136000 = 0.618 ( For 2007) pound; 220000 RoI is dropped since the net income was less as compared to Previous Year ,Even the Equity showed a decrease but overall impact shows business is dipping in terms of returns generated. Liquidity Ratios: Current Ratio: Current Assets Current Liabilities = pound; 125000 = 1.25 ( For 2008) pound; 100000 = pound; 140000 = 2.00 ( For 2007) pound; 70000 Current Ratio has decreased indicating business needs to plan and manage more assets and try to cut down on liabilities as for a business to grow CR gt; 1 and also the trend should be rising. Mark Up Ratio: Gross Profit X 100 COGS ( Cost of Goods Sold) = pound; 300000 X 100 = 100% ( For 2008) pound; 300000 =pound; 250000 X 100 = 62.5% ( For 2007) pound; 400000 Acid Test Ratio: Current Assets -( Inventories + Prepays) Current Liabilities = pound; 25000 = 0.25 ( For 2008) pound; 100000 = pound; 70000 = 1.00 ( For 2007) pound; 70000 Debt Ratio: Total Liabilities Total Assets = pound; ( 40,000 +36,000+25,000+50,000+18,000+20,000 ) + pound;100000 pound; 125000 + pound; 150000 =pound;189000 + pound; 100000 =1.05 For (2008) pound; 125000 + pound; 150000 = pound;(36,000+3 4,000+24,000+50,000+16,000+20,000 ) +pound; 70000 pound; 140000 + pound; 150000 = pound; 180000+ pound; 70000 = 0.86 For (2007) pound; 140000 + pound; 150000 Since the Debt Ratio which was under 1 last year and has exceeded to greater than 1 now, so clearly the business is not going in Profit. ____________________________XXXXXXX_________________________________ Referencing www.accountingcoach.com www.bized.co.uk www.en.wikipedia.com www.bizfinance.about.com www.businessplans.org www.capitalbudgetingtechniques.com www.economywatch.com www.yourbusinesspal.com